I certify that all the fact and information listed on this employment application are true, current, and complete. I understand that any false, incomplete, and/or misleading information given by me on this application is sufficient cause for rejection of this application. I also understand and agree that any such false, incomplete, and/or misleading information discovered on this application at any time after I am employed may result in termination of employment.
I authorize Joyal Health Care Services Inc. to investigate all statement(s) contained in this application, to interview the references, and previous employers listed in this application, and to obtain a report from a consumer reporting agency to be used for employment purposes in accordance with the Fair Credit Reporting Act. I authorized the references and previous employers listed in this Joyal Health Care Services Inc. application to release all facts, opinion(s), and evaluation concerning my previous employment and any other information they may have personal or otherwise. I hereby release all such parties from any liability which may allegedly rise from furnishing such information to Joyal Health Care Services Inc. including but not limited to any liability for defamation or invasion of privacy.
If I am offered employment with Joyal Health Care Services Inc. I may be subject to pre-employment drug testing where a reasonable suspicion exist, or where warranted by circumstance, workplace conditions, and/or contractual requirements. Any positive result(s) of such test will be reported to the appropriate licensing board and failure to take such test(s) when requested to do so or unsatisfactory test results will disqualify me from consideration for employment, or if I am then employed, may result in my immediate dismissal.
I understand and agree that there is no promise or employment contract between Joyal Health Care Service Inc. and myself. If an employment relationship is established, I understand that my employment can be terminated "at will", by Joyal Health Care Services Inc. or myself at any time. Also, my work assignments, schedules, and/or work locations are subject to change according to the needs of the business and client(s) of Joyal Health Care Services Inc.
I have head and understand the information in Joyal Health Care Services Inc. Employee Handbook. I understand that I am responsible for complying with the information contained in the Employee Handbooks.